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What is MIYAKA?

MIYAKA is a transportation IC card jointly produced by JR Mai Nippon and Kitamiyakyu Railway. Since it is a member of KaKuKa, it can be used anywhere in Japan, not just JR and Kitamiya Express.

You can charge up to 20,000 yen.

After installing the app "Mobile Miyaka", you can also write limited express tickets and Umiaisa special train tickets.

Miyaka points can be accumulated and used at Kitamiya Group stores. Commuter passes are also available.

Available company

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・Other Kitamiya Group
・JR Mai Nippon Group
​・Mai Japan Public Railway Group member companies
・KaKuKa member companies (railway only)
・Maitetsu Group

MIYAKA usage request form

It has been sent. I will reply by DM on Twitter, so please keep the DM open.

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